

Capacitive diathermy, also called “Tecar”, is a physical treatment based on the principle of the high-frequency electrical capacitor. This treatment is able to produce a uniform and deep heating of tissues, with several beneficial effects (see below). The capacitive treatment is the evolution of the resistive treatment, which was a modality that implied the passage of current through the body. Instead the capacitive treatment does not require the passage of electricity through the body, being therefore extremely safe, allowing more intense and deeper treatments.


Capacitive Diathermy and Aesthetic Medicine


Diathermy is able to act both on the skin and deep tissues, promoting anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. This treatment is also able to improve elasticity of tissues and reduce swelling.

Applications can be summarized as follows:

  • Cellulite is an alteration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This condition is characterized by edema of the subcutaneous tissue and a fibro-sclerotic reaction that causes the well-known alterations of the overlying skin.

How it works: diathermy improves local circulation and stimulates the physiologic metabolism of tissues. It reduces the immediate tissue edema and the fibro-sclerotic reaction. The treatment is able to improve long-term vascularization and trophism of the skin.

  • Swelling (edema): edema of thighs and legs is a common occurrence. This issue is often associated with lymphatic and capillary insufficiency

How it works: capacitive diathermy reduces tissue edema, promotes the natural elimination of fluids in excess, promotes lymphatic and capillary circulation.

  • Cutaneous laxity and Wrinkles: extremely frequent with age, especially when skin underwent heavy sun exposure or in patients who suffered huge weight fluctuations over time.

How it works: diathermy counteracts skin laxity and superficial wrinkles, stimulating capillary circulation, dermal regeneration, skin trophism and elasticity. Moreover the treatment produces an immediate improvement of superficial wrinkles and skin laxity due to the release of thermal energy to the elastic fibers of tissues.



Treatment modalities



The treatment lasts 30 to 60 minutes, depending on size of the area to be treated and the severity of the case. The results are visible after one session (especially concerning the  reduction of edema and a contraction of elastic fibers of the skin), however the action of the diathermy is expressed at best after a cycle of at least 3 sessions, necessary to activate a virtuous mechanism stimulation of the circulation, anti-inflammatory action and stimulation of the lymphatic drainage.